Roasted brussel sprout pasta

Roasted brussel sprout pasta

brussel sprout pasta

Apologies that you haven’t heard from me for a week. As you probably know from Instagram or Facebook, I’ve been struck with some kind of nasty superbug that I could not shake off for ages. Last Saturday saw me so ill that we were considering going to Accident and Emergency, which we decided against in the end as we were pretty sure that exposure to the outside cold and lots of hospital germs would not be helping the situation.

Man, I don’t remember last time I’ve felt so wretched, it has been years! It’s Tuesday evening and I am finally beginning to feel a bit more human. I am really excited about being able to do everyday things again, like cooking myself a proper meal. It’s powerful how being confined to your bed gives you a renewed appetite for physical fitness and life’s simple pleasures in general, isn’t it?

Before I got ill, I got myself a new pair of trainers to do some HIIT workouts at home and I am looking forward to that immensely now, as well as to being able to resume my running routine. I need to remember not to be stupid and get into all that too hard and too soon, which is definitely the temptation when you feel like you’ve lost so much time.

I’m also looking forward to cooking and experimenting again. First up, I have a simple midweek pasta for you, inspired by the fact that brussel sprout season is coming to an end here in the UK and this dish of mine. I have tested this pasta with miso-slathered brussel sprouts originally and while it was delicious, I have decided to keep to basic Italian flavours here: garlic, lemon, chilli, smoked paprika – you get the gist. It’s an easy pasta that might help you fall in love with brussel sprouts (again) 🙂 . Enjoy!

brussel sprout pasta veg prep

brussel sprout pasta pan

15 min
20 min
15 min
20 min
  • 45 ml / 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, divided
  • 2 garlic cloves, grated finely
  • 250 g / 9 oz brussels sprouts
  • salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 200 g / 7 oz spaghetti (GF if needed)
  • a good pinch of chilli flakes, more to taste (optional)
  • 2 tbsp breadcrumbs*
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
  • 80 ml / 1/3 cup vegan cream (like Oatly or soya cream), optional
  • juice of ½ lemon, plus zest of whole unwaxed lemon
  • ¼-½ tsp mild smoked paprika
  • chopped parsley, to garnish
  • 2 tbsp chopped roasted walnuts, to garnish
  1. Put 2 tbsp of olive oil and 2 grated garlic cloves in a small bowl. Set aside to infuse.
  2. Preheat oven to 200° C / 390° F and grab a large baking tray. Grease it lightly with olive oil if you wish, but there is no need to line it with paper.
  3. Clean your brussels sprouts (I tend to take the outer leaves off if they are very knackered and cut the very end of the stem off) and slice each sprout into 4 equally thick slices in the direction of the stem.
  4. Coat sliced sprouts in 1 tbsp of olive oil, spread on the baking tray making sure the slices don’t overlap as much as possible. Season with salt and pepper and allow them roast for about 15-20 minutes (until lightly charred in places), giving them a good stir after 10 minutes.
  5. Cook the pasta al dente following the instructions on the packet saving 60 ml / ¼ cup of cooking water just before you drain your pasta.
  6. Heat up a heavy bottom frying pan on low heat. Once hot, add in the garlic-infused oil and a pinch of chilli flakes (if using).
  7. Gently cook the garlic for about 2 minutes, stirring the whole time, but do not allow it to brown as it will make your pasta taste bitter. If the garlic is sizzling too aggressively, turn the heat off (or take the pan off the heat if not using gas) and allow it to cook in the residual heat.
  8. Add breadcrumbs, nutritional yeast and a good pinch of salt and allow them to cook in with the garlic oil for another minute or so.
  9. At this point, you can add vegan cream or creamy plant milk to make this dish more indulgent.
  10. If not using cream, whisk enough of pasta cooking water (you may not need all of it) to emulsify all the ingredients into a thick sauce. Season with lemon juice and then toss the drained pasta in the garlicky oil.
  11. Season with lemon zest, smoked paprika, salt and pepper and stir in the roasted sprouts.
  12. Divide between two plates, sprinkle with chopped parsley and roasted walnuts.

*If I have any stale quality sourdough, I tend to slice / cut it small and allow it to air dry in a paper bag for a few days. I then pound it in my pestle and mortar to transform it into quality breadcrumbs. Voilà – food waste averted 🙂 .

4 g
19 g
3 g
13 g
62 g
*per serving
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21 reviews, 32 comments
This recipe was great! It’s super simple to make and very tasty. I was looking for a recipe to use up leftover angel hair pasta and a huge bag of frozen Brussels sprouts (that were pre-seasoned and roasted, so it saved a few minutes). Next time I may try it with pine nuts rather than the walnuts as one person had done.
    Thank you Lisa, I am delighted that you enjoyed this recipe so much and thank you for taking the time to write this lovely review, I really appreciate it. Ania
wowww this is spectacular! so much flavour yet easy to put together! I made a few adjustments to taste and availability but honestly, you can't go wrong with this.
    That's so great to hear, Retta. I am so happy that you enjoyed this and thank you so much for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. Ania
Can u substitute half and half in recipe
Steve Appleton:
Made a variation of this didn’t roast but gently fried the sprouts with olive oil and butter and garlic. Added plenty of black pepper and paprika. Used lacto free cream and Red Leicester. Finally added some cayenne to taste. It was amazing considering the sprouts were going to go in the bin!
    Great to hear that you enjoyed it and I am happy to hear that this recipe has saved your sprouts from the compost! x Ania
Totally agree with Angie, this recipe is a keeper. I’m doing this review as we eat this wonderful dish. I too had Brussel sprouts I needed to use and a craving for pasta. Used pine nuts since I had no walnuts and omitted the chili flakes since we sprinkled with a little spicy feta. Yummy!
    Thanks so much, Linda. I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed this pasta too and plan to make it again. And thank you so much for taking the time to review, much appreciated. x Ania
This is a keeper!
I had some brussels I needed to use, and was craving some pasta...a little internet search landed me here.
I loved the layers of flavor in this recipe.
    Thanks Angie, I am so happy to hear that this recipe has really hit the spot. And thank you for taking the time to leave this lovely review - I really appreciate it.x Ania
This recipe is so tasty and i'll definately be making it again. I subbed toasted sunflower seeds for walnuts and added frozen peas to wholemeal spaghetti. I look forward to cooking more of your wonderful creations. Cheers from NZ..
    Aw, thank you Maria! I am thrilled to hear that you enjoyed this dish so much and I hope you'll enjoy some of my other recipes too. Thanks so much for taking the time to review, it really helps me out! x Ania
Very delicious! Will be making this again.
    I’m really happy to hear that you enjoyed this recipe, Sheila and plan to make it again. Thank you so much for taking the time to review, I appreciate it. x Ania
This was a great recipe. I made a mistake and covered the brussel sprouts with the garlic oil... Woops. Anyway, I thought this would ruin the garlic flavor and make it bitter. It did not. I also used twice as many brussel sprouts as suggested. Both changes worked out great. This recipe is a keeper.
    Thanks Lisa, I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed this pasta and if you love brussel sprouts, more is more, right ;) ? x Ania
Simple, satisfying, richly flavored & worth repeating! Subbed whole wheat pasta which did not detract & was good foil for the sprouts. Thank you!
    Thanks Catya, I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed this pasta. And many thanks for going to the trouble of reviewing, reviews really help so I appreciate it, thank you. x Ania
How necessary are the breadcrumbs? I'm gluten free...
    You can totally skip them, they are used to provide some texture, but walnuts on their own will suffice. x Ania
Made this today for the second time, its officially going into my recipe box to keep making. Husband loved. I subbed almond flour and ACV in place of bread crumbs and lemon, worked great. Thanks!
    Thanks Paige, I'm glad to hear that both you and your husband enjoyed it! x Ania
OHMYGOD I just made this and it is AMAZING! yes! Finally a new way to make brussel sprouts!
    Thanks so much, Anne! I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed this pasta. And thank you for taking the time to leave a review - I really appreciate it. x Ania
This is in my regular rotation. Discovered it in the first lockdown, and make it every time Brussel sprouts arrive in my veg box. So quick to throw together and tastes amazing! Thank you :)
    Aw, thank you so much for your kind words, Catherine. I'm delighted to hear that you enjoy it on a regular basis and thanks so much for taking the time to let me and other readers know - much appreciated. x Ania
I made this tonight and it was really good. Will definitely make again! I didn't have walnuts, so I substituted pecans. Still delicious! Discovered your website while googling simple pasta dishes with Brussel Sprouts. Excited to check out more of your recipes.
    Thanks so much, Ashley! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed this dish so much and hope you'll find other recipes you like just as much. x Ania
AZ in AZ:
This was fantastic! I added some roasted asparagus to the dish and it was all so yummy. Thanks for the recipe!
    Great to hear! And thanks for taking the time to let me know! Ania
I am a student and I make this recipe often because it’s moderately cheap, easy and so so delicious. Thanks so much
    Thanks for your kind words, Carly! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoy this recipe on a regular basis. x Ania
Melanie Conner:
I googled Brussel sprout pasta because I have Brussel sprouts to cook and this popped up. I am so excited to try it! I love brussel sprouts and pasta! Great idea Ania!
    Great to hear that, Melanie! I do hope you’ll enjoy this dish! Ania
Rebecca Baumann:
Made this tonight and doubled the recipe for four people. I cut out one pan by instead adding the garlic infused oil to the sprouts (once the sprouts were cooked), then adding the rest of the ingredients to that pan along with the drained pasta. Like another commenter I needed a lot more liquid, about 3/4 cup of pasta water. Very nice and will keep it on rotation! I think shredded cabbage would be really nice instead of sprouts - same flavour and would cling to the spaghetti.
    Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks for your comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the flavours of this pasta overall. One reason why you needed more liquid is that you cut out an extra pan, which means that the olive oil, which typically makes up most of the sauce got absorbed by the sprouts instead of coating the pasta strands first. I really do not think that there is much more moisture needed for 200 g of pasta as oil, pasta cooking water and lemon juice provide enough moisture but if you have a heat turned up high, for example, you may need more water as the moisture would evaporate way quicker so in line with this I amended the recipe to say that 4 tbsp / ¼ cup of pasta cooking water should be saved and that not all of it may have to be used - one needs to judge based on the heat level they are cooking at. Thanks for taking the time to let me know your thoughts and yes, cabbage will certainly work well - I have a similar recipe with noodles and cabbage that you may like. Ania
Raymonde Gibson:
Love love love fresh and full of flavour. My kind of food!
    Thank you, that's so lovely to hear! Ania
Could panko be used in this recipe? Will leave another comment after I make it tonight!
    Sure you can! Hope you'll enjoy this dish. Ania
Stephanie Moore:
made this for dinner last night, so so yummy!!!
    Thanks, Stephanie! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed it and thanks for letting me and other readers know. Ania
I am gonna cook this tonight and I hope it is good
    Well, I would not publish the recipe if I didn't think it was and I do hope it will satisfy your taste buds also. Ania
Just made this tonight. It was so easy and delicious, I know it's something I will make often. Also, I just wanted to point out an error. 200 grand of pasta is only 7 ounces not 14. Thanks for the great recipe!!
    Thank you, Jennifer! I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed this recipe and thanks for that, I will correct asap. Ania
Made this recipe tonight and it was delicious. The only modification I made was to add chicken sausage because I had it on hand. I sautéed it in the pan for a few minutes before the garlic oil (I pulled it out and then added it back with sprouts). I was in need of a new recipe and this will be in the regular rotation for sure! Thank you.
    Glad you enjoyed it, Betsy. Thanks for letting me know! Ania
chris geonnotti:
this recipe is really good. my husband and i both love roasted brussel sprouts! we do have a comment or question, though. the recipe calls for 2 tbsps of oil, 1 tbsp of the pasta water and the juice of half of a lemon. we have made this a few times, but we always have to adjust because that amount of liquid just doesn't seem to cut it, especially when you throw in the 2 tbsps of bread crumbs. we often find this when trying new recipes. it will call for so little liquid that if you followed it to a T, the only result would be a big bowl
of pasta just stuck together. your comments would be appreciated. thanks! chris
    Hi Chris,
    I make this kind of pasta all the time for myself and my husband and I find that 2 tbsp (assuming your tablespoons are standard 15 ml, you may want to check as there are some that are only 10 ml) of olive oil, a splash of pasta water (admittedly that's maybe often 2-3 tbsp, but I don't use lemon use then) provide more than enough lubrication (it's not meant to be saucy, just not dry) for 200 g / 7 oz of spaghetti. The amount of pasta and shape of it will have an impact. As a solution, I would suggest adding a touch more pasta water, it has starch in it so it won't make things too watery and perhaps stirring the breadcrumbs in at the end, after the pasta has been coated in the garlicky oil. I don't have any breadcrumbs at the moment to test again, but will test when I have some and amend the recipe if I find that it needs any changes. Thanks and I am glad that you generally like it. Stay well! Ania
Sarah | Well and Full:
I'm sorry that you had such a bad illness but I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! This pasta looks like the perfect way to celebrate your returned health :)
    Aw, thanks so much, Sarah! Yes, it's been rough but hopefully I will get over it completely soon. x
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