Vegan amaretti cookies

Vegan amaretti cookies

vegan amaretti cookies

While I am dreaming of a white Xmas – which, let’s face it does not look likely – I have decided to make myself a tray of snow-covered cookies instead 🙂 . They are my eggless take on the famous Italian almond cookies amaretti morbidi, except that morbidi does not mean what you probably think it does. It simply means ‘soft’ as, like their traditional counterparts, they are soft and chewy on the inside and a touch crispy on the outside. Heaven! Especially with a cup of good black coffee!

Traditionally these almond cookies rely heavily on eggs, but the longer I am a vegan chef (although I never tend to think of myself as such, I am simply a fussy 😛 amateur cook who enjoys a bit of creative tinkering), the more I am convinced that anything non-vegans can eat, we can eat too.

In this recipe, my trusted old friend aquafaba has done all the heavy lifting and while it’s been ages since I had the original version, I honestly don’t think anyone would be able to tell that these are vegan. Once I refined the recipe, I was thrilled with how they came out and they are now officially part of my Xmas cookie repertoire. They also make a gorgeous Xmas present and I could bet that the recipient would think that you got them in some fancy Italian deli in town.

vegan amaretti cookies aquafaba whipped

vegan amaretti cookies sugar coating

vegan amaretti cookies hand

vegan amaretti cookies gift top down

vegan amaretti cookies gift

20 min
17 min
20 min
17 min
  1. Preheat the oven to 175° C / 350° F and line a large baking tray with a piece of baking paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix the almonds, sugar and baking powder.
  3. Place the aquafaba (use only 60 ml / ¼ cup if using amaretto*) and lemon juice in a spotlessly clean bowl – even the tiniest grease residue will inhibit the aquafaba from reaching stiff peaks.
  4. Whip the aquafaba with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form – you need to be able to invert the bowl over your head and the mixture should not move at all.
  5. Gently fold in 2 tbsp of whipped aquafaba into the mixture and then fold the rest in gently.
  6. Add Amaretto (if using), vanilla paste and almond extract. Mix really well.
  7. Form the mixture into balls (I made fifteen 26 g / 0.9 oz balls) and roll them in the icing sugar.
  8. Place the cookies on the prepared baking tray, making sure you leave enough space between them. You can leave them as they are, or gently flatten them a little with your palm. The former look cuter (I think), but the latter get a crispier shell once baked.
  9. Bake for about 17 minutes, until the tops are lightly browned and cracked in places. Allow them to cool completely to crisp up and become less fragile.
  10. Store them in an airtight jar for up to 5 days.

*ALMOND FLOUR: What you want for this recipe is super finely ground almonds usually marketed as almond flour, but confusingly, in the UK, they are also sometimes simply called ground almonds. It isn’t the same as home ground almonds though so please don’t make that substitution or if you do, be prepared that the cookies will be different, they will most likely spread a lot.

*You can add a dash of amaretto liqueur like Disaronno for more flavour. If you do, replace 1 tbsp (15 ml) of aqauafaba with 1 tbsp (15 ml) or amaretto. Do not add amaretto until step 6.

9 g
7 g
1 g
4 g
9 g
*per cookie
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65 reviews, 123 comments
Lauren M:
Hi, can't wait to try out this recipe!
Just wondering if the oven temperature is indicative of a fan assisted oven? As I want to make sure I don't burn them when I make these :)
    Hi Lauren,
    I'm glad you checked. No, the temperature given is without the fan being on - a fan means that the temperature needs to be lowered by 20° C. Hope this helps. Ania
Hi, I’m looking for a plant based version of this recipe (please keep in mind that plant and vegan are not one and the same as I get this often). Everything else is fine but would be able to guide me on what is the ratio of aquafaba to eggs is as I’d like to use eggs for this recipe? Thank you
    Hi Constance,
    If you are looking to use eggs, I suggest you find a traditional amaretti recipe as I don't use eggs so I cannot be sure how to adapt this recipe to suit you. Hope this helps. Ania
Delicious and so easy to make. I added the Vanilla and Almond into the Aquafaba when whipping , but after it was already soft peaks, and it came out fine. I also left them in balls and they are softish inside but a little crispy on the outside. I also flattened a couple to see how they would bake. They are the same but flatter:). Very delicate but very moreish. Thank you so much for this recipe.
p.s I used Almond meal from a shop.
    Thanks Maraika, I am glad you enjoyed them and thank you for taking the time to review. Ania
I used ground almonds for my batch and had the same results as some of the others, my batter came out really wet. I suspected it was going to spread out, so I only tested with half the batter. They spread out completely and were very flat. I then added almond "flour" (had some in the cupboard) to the remaining batter and was able to roll into balls. I wasn't sure if they'd turn out, but they did! They didn't spread out at all. But here's the thing - both my husband and I prefer the thin ones! The taste is identical, but the thin ones are crisper with a delicious chewiness.
    Hi Jill,
    When you say you used ground almonds, do you mean ground at home? The ones you buy are ground much finer than what you can achieve at home so this is why the cookies where too wet - the finer the almonds the more absorbent they are. What makes it even more complicated is that here, in the UK, almond flour is very often called 'ground almonds' (see this Tesco packaging) and this is what I used. Glad you enjoyed them, even if they didn't quite look like in my photos. Ania
Helen Gillespie:
I reduced my Aquafaba from about 110ml to 75ml to ensure it’d reach stiff peaks as some Aquafaba is watery. Do you get different results with different Aquafaba?
    Hi Helen,
    I'm sorry they didn't come out as well as you expected, but that's because you went a little off piste. The recipe does not call for aquafaba to be reduced and so effectively you reduced the amount of liquid used, which is exactly why they came out dry and hard. If you decide to make them again, simply use aquafaba straight from a can. Hope this helps. Ania
Helen Gillespie:
I followed it exactly yet it was quiete dry. Made 15 exactly of 25g. They were very hard and stuck to the baking parchment. I used 175 C for 17 minutes
Mel B:
Ania, my absolute one-stop, go-to cookie recipe - I have yet to give one to someone who does not LOVE this recipe and ask me a million questions about it-- "how did you make this so delicious?" "What do you mean there are no eggs in here? Aqua faba, what?!" "OMG these are gluten free!" I will say that in my arrogance I tried once to make them with ground hazelnuts and they needed a lot more starch to hold them together (I guess hazelnuts let out a lot more oil than almonds? I can't wait to try your pistachio version.
    Aw thank you Mel, you are so sweet! I am delighted to hear that these cookies are such a hit with your family and friends. Yes, totally do that just be aware that if you grind your hazelnuts yourself (as opposed to buying - very expensive - hazelnut meal), it is very hard to get them ground as finely and as uniformly as when it's done commercially and so the cookies will be a little coarser and less pert (like these here). I don't think it's so much to do with different oil content as to do with the grind (although I might be wrong). I recommend sifting them after each grinding and grinding the coarser bits a bit more. It's a bit of a task as you also need to make sure you don't overdo it as that releases unwanted (in this case) oils. Hope this helps a little. Ania
This is a great recipe to have in your dessert repertoire. Gluten-free and vegan desserts are hard to find and a treasure to have. These were tasty and had a pleasingly chewy texture. High five Ania!
    Thank you, Jacinta! I am so pleased to hear that you enjoyed these and thank you for taking the time to review - I so appreciate it. Ania
Alicia Miller:
Made these for Christmas even with my family and they are amazing! Perfectly chewy on the inside with a thin crisp on the outside, reminds me of a macaron. Used the amaretto. Had to bake for about 20 mins. And I suspect those that had an overly wet batter maybe didn’t have a “super fine” grind of almond flour, that would explain why it’s wetter. I used super fine and came out perfectly. Going to store for more almond flour to make more!
    Thanks Alicia, I am delighted to hear that these have turned out so well. With regards to the flour, I am based in the UK and we don't seem to have a distinction here between regular and superfine almond flour, at least in regular supermarkets where I get my almond flour. In fact, almond flour is often labelled as ground almonds here (in Tesco, for example), which can be confusing as these should be more coarsely ground than almond flour. I tried making these with a bunch of different supermarket brands and never had any trouble so not sure what to advise other than measuring accurately. Anyway, I am glad you had no issues and are planning to make them again. x Ania
Hey there,
Do you think these would turn out using monk fruit sweetener instead?
    Hi Giselle,
    I have never used monk fruit so it's hard for me to say but sugar is responsible for structure of these (not just sweetness) so you may run into trouble. x Ania
Mine turned out so flat! They were fine when I put them in the oven but flattened just a few minutes later. I double checked my measuring of all the ingredients, the aquafaba was whipped to peaks and all instructions followed carefully. I would not make again.
    I'm sorry to hear, but after so many 5 star reviews and me seeing perfectly formed amaretti all over my social media, I am confident the recipe is correct. The only cause of these baking flat would be mismeasuring the amount of either wet or dry ingredients. Ania
      You are probably right. They do taste amazing though! perhaps I will try again.
        Great to hear and I hope they will be better. If the mixture feels wet, simply add more almond flour until it no longer does. x Ania
Do these hold up to freezing after being baked? They sound great!
    Hi Caitlin,
    They should be fine to freeze after baking, but I would recommend freezing them BEFORE baking instead - there is nothing better than a freshly baked cookie. Hope this helps! x Ania
Ros Shaw:
I've just baked these, and although they taste delicious, they are totally flat! when you said roll them, I couldn't as the mixture was so wet.
I used the correct amount of aqua faba but do you think I needed to whisk it for longer?
Yours look so beautiful and I'm feeling very frustrated 😠
    Hi Ros,
    Sorry to hear you've had trouble. No, they should not be flattened (please see the photo where I roll the balls in icing sugar) and from your description it does sound like your ratios were off. I recommend weighing the dry ingredients for accuracy and you need 75 ml (5 tbsp) of liquid in total so if you are using Amaretto, take away 1 tbsp (15 ml) of aquafaba. I hope this helps! x Ania
Sonia B:
Reviewing for real after commenting to ask a question :)
This is a winning recipe even after I messed up a bit by adding all the aquafaba in addition to amaretto. Nothing a few extra minutes in the oven didn’t solve! The taste and texture were a delight and I really appreciated the subtle sweetness. My husband is not usually one to snack on sweets and he has been enjoying these so much too. I am going to include these in our holiday cookie gift boxes this year. Cannot wait to impress our friends!
    Yay, that's fab to hear that both you and your disciplined (so jealous - ha ha) husband loved these and thanks so much for taking the time to write this lovely review, it means a lot. x Ania
Sonia B:
I have these in the oven now! I am wondering if I messed up the recipe, though. I measured out 75ml aquafaba, but I realized after whipping it that I didn't know if that included the + 1 TBSB or not. I also used Amaretto, so I left out a small scoop of the whipped aquafaba just in case. The dough was quite wet- I hope I didn't mess it up too terribly! Everything else was followed exactly. I will report back once I take them out of the oven. Could you let me know if the + 1 TBSP is included in the 75g? Thank you!
    Hi Sonia,
    I hope they came out well - if there is too much liquid they may simply just require a longer baking time. The recipe calls for 75 ml of liquid in total (which is ¼ cup + 1 tbsp in imperial measurements). If using Amaretto, simply use 15ml / 1 tbsp of it and 60 ml / ¼ cup of aquafaba. Hope that helps! Ania
      Sonia B:
      That’s exactly what I did- baked for longer! They turned out absolutely gorgeous and delicious. Thank you!!
        Delighted to hear that, Sonia! x Ania
I have a daughter in law who is allergic to eggs.. I can now serve these as part of one of my favourite peach desserts. Thank you they are great! ps. knew about chickpea 'aquafaba' but never used it before. Your recipe gave me the confidence to try it!
    Hi Sue,
    That's fantastic to hear, I am really happy to hear that your daughter can still have her favourite treats despite her allergy. I am a massive fan of using aquafaba and have done countless recipes with it. Here are some ideas if you want to explore further. x Ania
Mary B-MacL:
Good morning, I’m excited to make this recipe but I only have regular granulated sugar. Do I need to make any adjustments? Thanks, Mary.
    Hi Mary,
    If you have a coffee grinder (or something similar), it may be worth grinding your sugar a little finer - that's what caster sugar is, superfine sugar. You can use as is but it may not fully dissolve in the oven and therefore make these a little crunchy - that's my guess anyway, I haven't tried with granulated sugar. Hope it works out well. x Ania
OMG I just made these cookies, months after the holidays, and they are the best! Made exactly as directed, using 1 T of Amaretto, and left on the pan to cool. This recipe will definitely become a go to for Christmas gifts. Thank you for this wonderful recipe.
    Thank you Sheri, I am delighted to hear that these amaretti have been such a success and that you are planning to make them again. I'm delighted. x Ania
Mary Ann S.:
This recipe tastes exactly like my aunt's famous amaretti cookies (non-vegan, white flour), which I thought I would never be able to have again. I made them at Christmas time and even my 91yr old italian father said they taste like the real thing - and he never gives out such compliments! Making them again today, which prompted me to write this review!
    Thank you so much for your kind words, Mary Ann. I'm delighted to hear that this recipe has made you and your family members so happy and brought back your happy food memories - that's priceless. And thank you for taking the time to let me know that they were a success, I really appreciate it. x Ania
This is a fantastic recipe! I don't really like the taste of almond extract so I left it out, and I added some orange zest. The cookies came out very delicious. Thank you!
    Thank you so much, Genevieve! I am delighted to hear that these cookies were such a success (they looked great on your Insta!) and thank you for the review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
Hi loved the recipe. But I might of done it wrong as in I used amaretto and essence and lemon juice. I think they might have been perfect if I had not done that or if I had used some xylitol to make them a bit sweeter. I will make them again at some point to see how they turn out.
    Hi Sherbie,
    Sounds like you like them a little sweeter, which can easily be adjusted as per my notes under the recipe. No other reader found them insufficiently sweet and neither do I so perhaps you are simply used to sweeter desserts. Using amaretto, extract and lemon juice is absolutely fine. I worry that you've used xylitol instead of sugar, which is maybe we they came out a bit different to what you expected? Amaretti rely on sugar not just for sweetness but also structure. Hope this helps! Ania
These were the most delicious cookies I have ever made. We made these for Christmas and everyone who had one asked for the recipe and was floored when they found out they were vegan! Next time we’ll have to make a double batch because the only downside was that they disappeared too quickly.
    Thanks so much, Sara! That's some compliment! I am so happy to hear that they were such a success at your Christmas, even with the non-vegans - that's always great to hear. Thank you so much for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
Inge Diverio:
Quite simply, the most delicious biscuit recipe I’ve ever followed! I’m so pleased with the results that this recipe won’t be saved just for Christmas.
    Thank you, Inge! I am delighted to hear that you loved this recipe so much and that you plan to make them again. And thank you for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
I've made this recipe two times. Those are the modifications have made the second time, if it can helps anyone.
I found them really sweet... I used 1/2 cup + only 1 tbs of caster sugar (super fine sugar for Americans) and a bit more of Ameretto, the taste was better like this in my opinion. The biggest issue (and my oven is new) was the time, 17, 18 minutes was not enough time for my cookies, they were not 'golden', so watch them carefully. For me 20 minutes was the right time in the oven.
Thank you for this recipe, I LOVE IT !
    Thanks Odrée, I am really happy that you enjoyed these! Yes, the amount of sugar is something you can adjust as per my notes. As for the baking time, each and every oven is different and while I try to give people a good idea of how long to bake for, it is necessary to judge by looking at colour/texture etc, which is why I also try to give this information too. Thanks for taking the time to leave this lovely review, I appreciate it. x Ania
Wow - these are amazing! Second batch made within a week and they are so more-ish it was hard not to just scoff the lot. Brilliant presents. Added a little lemon zest with the second batch and left out the vanilla - loved them both ways. Thank you!
    Thanks Jo, I am so happy to hear that and yes, you can flavour them in lots of ways and you cannot go wrong with a bit of lemon zest, I agree. x Ania
Severine Chu:
Love this recipe so much ! Easy to make and so delicious ! I like to make them in advance and store the cookies in a metallic box (even though they don’t last long). Thank you !
    Aw thanks so much, Severine, I am delighted to hear that you like this recipe so much and yes, I agree, I find it difficult to leave them alone too ;) . Thanks so much for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it x Ania
This is an easy to follow recipe that results in small morsels of delicious treats. They are perfect with a coffee, or a tea. Perfect as a gift and delightful as a special biscuit for friends. An absolute winner of a recipe.
    Aw thanks so much, Miche! I am so happy to hear that these were such a hit with you and thank you for taking the time to write this lovely review - I really appreciate it. x Ania
Maureen Longo:
Hi Ania, Thank you for this wonderful recipe. I made these for the first time last week and they were perfect, I couldn't believe I made them! I used Rapadura sugar instead of caster as per your measurement and they were great, soft and chewy on the inside and crisp on the outside. I tried with and without the icing sugar but I definitely found that the icing sugar helped them crisp up more on the outside. Now I just made a double batch but it seems that double the almond essence is not enough to give that wonderful almond hit so next time I'll try an extra 1/2 teaspoon if I do a double batch again and maybe slightly less sugar as double the sugar seemed too much in the double batch.
    Thank you Maureen, I am delighted to hear that these turned out well for you and that you enjoyed them. Yes, sometimes double batching recipes need some tweaks but I am sure your next double batch will be spot on. x Ania
What is the icing sugar? No mention of what it is or how much
    It's what you may know as confectioners sugar. It's hard to quantify how much, but about 1 cup (140 g) for this many cookies. Hope this helps! x Ania
I have been making these cookies for a while. They're amazing, and SO easy and quick to make. They blew the socks off my Italian BFF and my Italian hubs. You'd never know they're oil-free!!! My 9yo loves them I'm making 2 batches for the in-laws ;)
    Yay, I am so happy to hear that these cookies won the hearts of your Italian family members, that's really cool. And thank you so much for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
I was wondering how long these can be kept, I made them last year for hampers (amazing!!) everyone loved them so thank you. this year however I need to make them 2 weeks earlier, will they keep?
    Hi Candii,
    Thank you, I am so happy to hear that you and all your giftees enjoyed these cookies. I have not tried making them this far in advance, but I think the key thing would be to lock them away from moisture in an air-tight box. How about freezing them before or after baking instead? I would say the former would be the safest thing to do. Hope this helps! x Ania
      Thank you so much for replying, I will do that and hope for the best. If they make into the hampers, I've had to test a few you see - haha!
        Haahaha, yes, definitely - testing is a must - it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it ;) My pleasure and I hope they will be enjoyed by the giftees (should they get any at all :P)...Merry Christmas! x Ania
Cookie season is officially upon us and I started it in high gear with Ania‘s recipes - this one is another keeper. Simply scrumptious! I left out the amaretto as I didn’t have it. My only note, not sure if helpful to others: 1- my oven needed 3-5 extra min to bake at said temperature 2- it is important to let them cool completely (which I didn’t yikes) in order for them to maintain their crisp exterior).
    Thank you Andra! I am so happy to hear that you've enjoyed this recipe and thank you for your comments. Yes, definitely, baking time is only a close approximation as people's ovens tend to differ a lot. Hahah, yes, letting them cool is crucial but I don't blame you, I am too very impatient when it comes to cookies :P . As always, thanks so much for coming back to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
Kim Phillips:
These are so insanely good that after my first bite I laughed deliriously and said, “Are you kidding me?” out loud even though I was alone. I proceeded to take them to a small party where people were literally moaning as they bit into them. They all wanted the recipe.
If you want a delicious treat, bake these. If you want to be the most popular person amongst your friends, bake these. If you want to feel like a kitchen goddess who could rule the world should she wish, bake these.
    Aw, thanks so much Kim, I am absolutely delighted to hear that you enjoyed them that much - a dream reaction of every recipe developer out there :) I am so happy and thank you so much for taking the time to rate and review this recipe - it helps me out a lot. x Ania
Made these today - incredible
I followed the recipe exactly as it is. Beautiful. The only thing I changed the baking time. I baked for 20 min and mine are still a little paler than the ones pictured on the website. Obviously I need to fine tune this. Only little question I had was the cooling part. I took them out of the oven once baking time finished. Should I have left them in there longer with oven switched off?
I’ll be making these again for Christmas- I am sure they will be a hit! Thank you so much for this recipe!
    Thanks so much, Eleonora! I'm decided to hear that you enjoyed them so much and plan to make them again for Christmas. In terms of baking time, each oven is different so don't be afraid to bake them for longer (or increase the oven temperature) if needed. I take them out of the oven as soon as I am happy with how they look - if they leave them in the oven too cool down they will dry out too much inside. Hope this helps! Ania
One of the best vegan recipe for Amaretti. So simple and easy.
The amaretti cookies were delicious and the family loved them.
    Thank you so much, Bindu. I am really pleased to hear that you and your family loved these and thank you for coming back to review the recipe - I really appreciate it. x Ania
I've made these time and time again, they always work perfectly and they're so easy. One of those real "you'd never guess it's vegan" bakes! Absolutely love it. Must try the pistachio version!
    Aw, thanks so much for your kind words, Vicky! I am so pleased to hear that you enjoy these cookies so much and thanks so much for coming back to review - I really appreciate it. x Ania
J K:
Amazing recipe, so easy to make,with patience you can create the same.
Had been looking for a eggless option, being a vegetarian.
Really thanks appreciate.
Wish you lots of success and do create more.
    Thanks JK - I am delighted to hear that this recipe has worked so well for you and thanks for coming back to review, I really appreciate it – reviews help my work to be found. x Ania
Melissa Davis:
I made these for my son to hand out to his classmates after his presentation on Italy. We have a lot of food allergies in our house - gluten and egg included - but my son recently outgrew his almond allergy, so we were so excited to try this recipe. I flattened ours a bit with a fork and pressed some sliced almonds into the top before baking and increased the baking time by about five minutes to suit our oven…and this recipe did NOT disappoint! Thank you so much for sharing it!
    Thanks so much, Melissa! I'm delighted that they were a success and that your son and his classmates were able to enjoy these, despite their allergies. x Ania
Robin - @vegdork:
I absolutely loved this recipe! So easy to make and they came out perfect. Thanks so much for an amazing vegan ammaretti cookie recipe! You made my boyfriend very happy on his birthday ☺️
    Aw thanks so much, Robin. I am delighted that you and your boyfriend have enjoyed these so much and thank you so much for taking the time to review - I really appreciate it! x Ania
thank you ania, for the recipe and for the quick response in the chat. love this cookies and your blog!!!!
    I'm delighted to hear that, Noa! And thank you so much for taking the time to review - I really appreciate it. x Ania
These are sensational! I baked them for gifts and I love offering something that fulfills so many food restrictions but you’d never know it. I then made them for my family and they’re a new family fave! First time using aquafaba and it was magical. Made once without amaretto and once with, delicious both ways. I also halved the sugar and that was perfect for us, but my family always halves sugar in cookie recipes so your mileage may vary.
    I'm so happy to hear that they were such a success with your nearest and dearest, Katherine! You are right, they are really great for people with different food allergies - I never thought of that myself...but of course! Thank you for taking the time to let me and my readers know - I really appreciate it. x Ania
Once again, these cookies were a huge success! Ania’s recipes are practically foolproof and never recognisably different to non-vegan versions. This is one of maybe three sites that I return to often for vegan recipes & inspiration!
    Aw, thank you so much Niamh! I am so happy when people enjoy my recipes and your comment has made my day! So glad that the cookies came out so well. x Ania
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